Sunday, January 26, 2014


When your vision is flooded with darkness,
Clear the fog;
Search for the light,
But don't trust your sight.

Listen to your own breathing;
Hear yourself living,

Your heart is still beating,
Your eyes still seeing;
Even if on the inside,
you're bleeding.

Remove your cloak of shame;
Learn your own name.
There is more beyond what we see;
It's not yet your time to leave.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Briefly everlasting, then gone.
Step, step, step,

Pieces I can't seem to fit together.
Pull, click.

Inhale, exhale, glance,
A simple gesture lifts me out of my seat;
I fly into the clouds.
The wind caresses me 
As my hand lifts to return the surge.

Snapshots are washed into blurs;
I am placed back down on earth.
Thoughts illuminate my mind
Until they become merely a glow.


I am ecstatic to be posting my first real (non-introductory) post. Many of my poems/ creative pieces I will soon be posting are old. That is one of my favorite aspects of writing, though: coming back to pieces and editing. Traveling back through your writing is also a way to see how God is transforming and moving in your life right in front of you. That's just one more reason to love writing.
I am not planning on adding introductory statements to many of my pieces, because that is yet another reason writing can be so cool. Everyone interprets things differently. If you don't get exactly what I mean, that's okay. This is a poem I wrote a little over two years ago:

Whispers of a smile
appear on your face.
Your eyes glisten,
a faint sigh.

Your hand reaches
as if to grab my heart,
and lock me in.

A simple gesture
melts my inhibitions
and grants wings to my heart.

Seconds last a lifetime.

A world of possibilities 
flutters before my eyes
and through the clouds.

One last wink of the lips
is lightly shared,
before my dreams
are blown away
by the reality of the outside world.

Unwritten World

Many people view writing as work. They place words together only to sound as educated as possible to earn an A. 
That's not what writing is about, at least for me. We have the ability to use over a million words in the English language to form whatever we want. Every day offers something new. Writing is practically boundless.
How far will you let your imagination take you in this unwritten world?